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Our personal energy is a completely unique imprint, both in its vibration and in its resonance. It responses exclusively to its owner and is only useful to that person.

When we give our energy, what could happen is that the other person's energy was shaken, but nothing else. Actually, this transfer is useless to us; therefore, after passing our own energy, it has to be recovered.

When an intense or intimate relationship is established, bonds are created- desired or not- which last through time and space.

These emotional or family relationships are bonds made with love. Believe it or not, they are always consciously created, and a personal choice.

The energetic-emotional ties are the heaviest ones for us. They make us feel responsible, produce false suppressive bonds, and even prevent us from making clear, neat, and firm decisions. Through these energetic ties, some people are fed on part of our energy and don’t let it flow, expand, and create our personal universe. Besides, they don’t allow us to fully control our energy and to enjoy our own energetic integrity.

Usually, these ties go to or come from a person with whom an intense emotional bond is shared (friendly, loving, or angry/hate-based). This influences our way of thinking, excluding our actions from being determined solely and exclusively by us, since the energetic tie vibration creates interferences in our own energetic and mental field. They also prevent our thoughts/sensations/feelings from being clear. Even many times they complicate us to get ahead because "they are stuck in one’s heads." This is the biggest symptom that we're facing energetic interference.

Through direct or indirect memories of past experiences, the energetic ties are reactivated: being angry, yearning for what is no longer there, etc. This feeling, which can be permanent or occasional, prevents us for making clear decisions, for recognizing yourself in your own body, or even it can make you carry with other people's loads. 

At the same time, it blocks your ability to discover what is happening within yourself, your mind, and your heart. You feel unable to reach your inner self to get rid of everything that keeps you from thriving.

The past is behind and it can only be useful to drive us forward.

The ability to face your life without any load or burden, allows you to be inside yourself and perform your own life with no interferences. 

When the attachment or tie is broken, the link is not cut unless it is a fake one. On the contrary, it is usually reinforced by being neater and without interferences; once they aren’t anymore, our ability to think and feel clearly is reestablished.

There is a clear distinction to be drawn between energetic bond and attachment.

-The bond is genetic or voluntary. The genetic one is obviously provided by DNA, it can be reduced and amplified at will but it can’t be removed. That is why many adopted people don't understand the feelings they experience despite having a great relationship with non-biological parents. The same way biological families force themselves to hold harmful bonds without understanding they can be adjusted at choice if the attachment disappears.

The voluntary bond is the one consciously performed with friendships and different relationships and it can be freely managed.

-The attachment is a two-way energetic channel (no matter who created it first) by which others’ energy is received and ours is leaked. It's an uncontrolled energy gateway. Energetic and mental interferences are received through it, which stop us from keeping within ourselves.

Always keep in mind that cutting an attachment does NOT mean breaking or removing a bond.

Recovering the energy frequently provided in our relationships, keeping healthy bonds (without energetic or emotional ties) brings us peace, self-confidence, reliance, clarity, and serenity.

Without outside interferences, we can connect with our inner self, actually being in ourselves. 

The "life motive" of meditation itself. 

The key is to consciously bond, to devote yourself without getting lost.

To manage bonds and attachments, as well as your personal energy, there is a tool called REINEN (Integral Energy Recovery). 

It is not a technique just to remake your life after a relationship breakup, which is when we are most aware, since the energy is just that!! ENERGY!! It’s neither good nor bad.

A romantic relationship, a friendship, a working relationship, a toxic relationship (whether close or not), upsets (when intense, they unconsciously generate deep attachments), obsessions; to sum up, every intense energy (good or bad) expands itself outwards.

Learning to live in ENERGETIC INTEGRITY provides us with more personal tools of growth, personal recovery, awareness, and to live in our inner self.

REINEN© allows us to reconnect cleanly with our essence because it removes energetic interferences, attachments, and their associated alterations.  


It has 2 phases:


  1. Energy recap. 

  2. Energy release.  

Based on quantum physics, neuroscience and, Taoist laws, REINEN© seeks the harmonious balance of the human being and the recovery for their growth without any interferences with its energy system, chakras, subtle bodies, and their emotional and mental impact.





Madrid, Spain

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